I failed to read the fine very small print on the MLB's website when I paid for a month of their MLB.tv service, so imagine my disappointment and frustration when I went to open the live video stream for today's opening game only to be told all televised home games in your market are blacked out. Yes, I can still watch it on television, but that doesn't fucking help when I'm stuck here at work.
Goddamn it, now I have to listen to all the silly, non sequitur bullshit that comes out of Mike Shannon's addled mind. TWO BITS!
Monday, March 31, 2008
I Should Not Be Paying to Support Your Numbskullery
What I (Dis)Liked Last Week
Friday, March 28, 2008
Prey is $4.95 on Steam Right Now
That headline pretty much says it all. Prey, the originally 3D Realms-created FPS developed by Human Head, is on sale on Steam this weekend for $4.95. It's not incredible or very long, but a good shooter nonetheless and you can't beat that price.
Play This Now: Rom Check Fail
Monday, March 24, 2008
That Bald, Verbose Bastard
As I waste my time here at work today, consciously not working on the Condemned 2 review I've been wanting to finish, I read through Tycho's post today only to find that he, almost eerily, has the exact same sentiments regarding the game that I do only communicated much more eloquently. Now I don't even feel like finishing it. The bald, verbose bastard.
What I (Dis)Liked Last Week
The desire to establish regular content is powerful, because without some sliver of a schedule to adhere to the possibility of stagnation becomes more likely. So I think I'll try to put up one of these every Monday, a sort of general impressions section of the media I have consumed over the past week. I didn't see any movies, watch any TV shows, listen to any new music or read any books, so this will pretty much just be more video games.
Friday, March 21, 2008
I Demand Amusing Evidence of Destruction for My Unforgivable Delays
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Hobo Meets Pipe, Act II
It's a couple minutes after 3PM and I have only done about twenty minutes of actual work today, so it's been slow. I used this time to go out to Best Buy and pick up Condemned 2: Bloodshot, which was released today, and while I'm waiting for the clock to roll over to quittin' time I've been looking through the manual. I love the original game, I think it's one of the most unique and enjoyable first-person games released in recent memory, but I never bothered to look through the manual. I have some problems with this one.
Kyle enters the internet website blogosphere 2.0

So here it is, I'm starting a new site from scratch, this will become the new home of me talking about video games way too much, general commentary and my painfully weak attempts at being funny. I've already got some ideas for possible weekly articles, but writing on a schedule isn't something I've been known for. There are a bunch of games I'm planning to review and people to make fun of, it's going to be a totally new and fresh experience. Video games! People! Stuff!
So hang on to your butts! This is a Kyle for the new millennium!
Also this new millennium begins in 2008.
I'm not good with dates.
Now you'll have to excuse me, it's lunch time and they've got ribeye steak sandwiches in the cafeteria today. That's something I like.