Friday, August 8, 2008

Play This Now: Choke on my Groundhog, YOU ROBOT BASTARDS

With the release of Geometry Wars 2 on XBLA which I've been playing a lot of lately, this similar twin joystick shooter (Or with a mouse and keyboard, should you desire) hit at the right time and has the added bonus of something else I like: killer robots. Being a Doctor Who fan sort of goes hand in hand with enjoying the idea of murderous machines, whether it's the long running Daleks or Cybermen, or simply one-offs like the clockwork droids or the robot from the charmingly awful episode simply titled Robot. Choke on my Groundhog, YOU ROBOT BASTARDS (I think I would've just gone with the latter portion for the title) not only has you annihilating cold, heartless foes but also has a sort of time travel mechanic in which if you die you start back at the beginning but you get a buddy to help you -- yourself. It replays what you did from that previous life, with the benefit being bonus firepower. Check it out, it's free.

