Thursday, September 4, 2008

Video Games!

So I've been continuing my trend of playing older games, making my way through the first two Quake games once again. Then I jumped several years forward to Max Payne, mostly inspired by the latest trailer for the film, and Tron 2.0, which I do not have to give a reason to play again, so I'm getting closer to the present. Both the latter titles hold up surprisingly well, though shootin' dudes, whether they are digital constructs or over-acting mobsters, will never get old. Spore comes out soon, and I have not absorbed any related media since the epic Robin Williams E3 disaster from a while back, and my interest has definitely waned. Like LittleBigPlanet, I am not actually sure in what way it is a game but hopefully by not building myself up to any crazy expectations I can only be pleased by what releases.

Speaking of video games, which I do non-stop, I wanted to shed some light on this story. Now neither of these properties I would think would be a fantastic fit for an MMO, but they stopped work on a Firefly MMO to work on a Buffy MMO? They stopped work on a Firefly MMO to work on a Buffy MMO.
They stopped work on a Firefly MMO to work on a Buffy MMO.
They stopped work on a Firefly MMO to work on a Buffy MMO.

What the fuck is going on?
