Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Been a busy week here so I haven't had much time to throw anything up and, as I've stated in the past, posting from home is simply impossible.
Remember way back to the days before Quake 2? Before Quake? Before Wolfenstein 3-D? Wait, too far. A time when id Software was a tiny outfit made up of about a dozen guys making platforming games like Commander Keen. Here's a fun piece of nostalgia that John Romero threw up on his site a couple days ago (Also, remember when he wasn't a punchline?):

A Visit to id Software from john romero on Vimeo.

The lengthy bit early on with Bobby Prince showing off the MIDI music he had created runs a little too long and a little too dry, but the fun of the piece is Romero showing Doom off to a couple people. Doom still holds up fairly well and I'll go back to it every now and then, but this video really reminded me of how revolutionary it was. Wolf 3-D was a milestone, but, and you can hear it from the reactions, nobody had ever seen anything like this before. Simple technical things like networked deathmatch and vertical movement and textures you could see and shoot through, these were all impressive technical feats at the time. I need go to load it up again, I've got demons to punch in the face.