Friday, December 12, 2008

Play This Now: Savage 2

Much like my recommendation to check out Overlord, thanks to the pile of new titles I still have not been able to crawl out from under, Savage 2 is a game I have not spent much time with. Or any at all. I did play the first game off-and-on for a bit, and found the concepts and gameplay solid, so a sequel can only be better, right? It's an ambitious hybrid fantasy title, a team-based online multiplayer FPS-RPG-RTS, or TBOMPFPSRPGRTS. From what I'm hearing the player base had been somewhat lacking, but now that the game can be had for the low price of no dollars hopefully it'll give the title a boost. As long as you hold no prior engagements (Like, say, still not finishing Dead Space or Far Cry 2), free should always be a very strong motivating factor to give a professionally-developed title a whirl.

Link, S2 Games' Savage page
