Thursday, July 17, 2008

Highlights of E3: Day Two

Apparently last night's EA-sponsored, Rock Band-themed after-party featured an unannounced live performance by The Who, I guess as sort of a tie-in since the The Who's "Best Of" song pack for Rock Band went online last night, which seems like it was pretty rad. They were originally supposed to be bringing to full album of Who's Next to the game, but I guess after a few months of waiting Pete Townsend and Roger Daltrey came out and said "Yeah, we sort of lost the master tracks for a few of those songs." They've still got "Baba O'Riley" in there, so it's all good. Not much to talk about announcement or press conference wise, other than Shigeru Miyamoto saying that they are making another Pikmin game, which is something I've been waiting to here for a long time. Now with the show:

  • Destructoid offers more hands-on impressions of Fallout 3, reinforcing my feeling that the presentation just sucked and the game itself, in a much richer context than simply showing combat alone allows, will still be awesome.
  • Shacknews goes hands-on with Resident Evil 5, coming away with some fully expected palpable enthusiasm.
  • It's annoyingly shaky-cam, but Evil Avatar sister site Co-Optimus offers up some footage of them playing Left 4 Dead, and I really want to play it.
  • Post-apocalypse seems to be the order of the day, with id's Rage, Bethesda's Fallout 3 and Gearbox's Borderlands, and I'm very fine with that. The Brothers in Arms-developer trotted out the game, its first public appearance, by putting on a lengthy presentation of the FPS/RPG hybrid, and it looks really good. You can read some of the major features they're promising here, and the presentation itself is split into three parts, here's Part #1, Part #2, and Part #3. The most important thing to bring up, I think, is that it looks like you can wander around the world and play through the entire game in co-op.
  • Capcom presented some gameplay footage of Airtight Studios' third-person shooter Dark Void, and I'm looking forward to it. Running around shooting guys on the ground looks very much like Gears of War except while wearing a jetpack, and I'm okay with that. Though you can jack UFOs and go dogfighting with them, which should be great considering these are the guys behind Crimson Skies. I'm digging the sort of darker version of a 40's serial aesthetic that they're going for, and the "vertical combat" also looks pretty sweet.
  • I played a little bit of Baldur's Gate II a while ago and it was not as completely horrible as I remember it, so maybe BioWare's so-called "spiritual successor" to that celebrated franchise Dragon Age: Origins will be better received by me, but based on this gameplay footage I'm still on the fence.
  • Lastly, here's a poser: It's E3, you've recently announced your new game, but you don't really have anything to show off yet and you don't have the resources to hire a team to make a CG trailer, what do you do? My answer is don't go ahead make a trailer anyway. But those small inconveniences did not stop a reformed Apogee Software from releasing a trailer for their upcoming handheld-only Duke Nukem Trilogy. Seriously? Why did you even take the time to make this? I've seen fake YouTube fan trailers a million times better than what I just saw.
Also, let's never bring up Army of Two ever again.
