Monday, April 21, 2008

Stop It

Stop it. Stop it stop it stop it. Stop it.

Stop talking about these stupid prank videos you're watching. Stop it. I don't care. I don't give a shit about this hilarious prank about an old lady and a car and tires and a cop and whatever the fuck is going on. I'd like to watch this episode of 30 Rock (Thank you, Hulu) but I have to keep pausing to listen to you jabber on about this stupid bullshit. No, no, don't come over to my desk and act it out, okay you're going to anyway, better minimize this. Jesus fucking Christ stop it, stop it, it's been thirty minutes now, stop it. Don't come back around to tell me about another one, please don't. Okay, here you come. Goddamn it. Stop it.

Help me, internet, someone please shut YouTube down for the next couple hours.